I will stop writing about The Avengers as soon as everyone goes to see it. It is SUCH a good movie. Remember when you were a kid and you saw your first big-screen popcorn flick that was just filled with action and heroism and humor and special-effects magic and you wanted to be IN the movie? It totally brings that back. But that’s not the main reason Manhunt members should go see it. The main reason is that Chris Evans‘ ass has a starring role.
Writer/director Joss Whedon is a notoriously gay-friendly writer/director. He created one of the most touching and truthful lesbian relationships on TV. And now he’s given us a gift – the generous highlighting of Chris Evans’ bum throughout The Avengers. You may remember this glorious gif my industrious co-blogger Dewitt created before the movie came out. That’s just the tip of the iceberg for the major role Chris’ buttcheeks play in this movie. Whenever the camera is on Chris, it seems like it zeroes in on his bottom. His tight, perky, muscle bottom. Even the straight guys in the theater had to be going “ya know, I like boobs but that is a NICE ass.”
The camera highlights Chris’ ass more than it does Scarlett Johansson’s! Go see it!
– J. Harvey
For some more pics, Follow the JUMP:
BEST MOVIE EVER!!! I never go to the theater to see a movie for a 2nd time, but I’m definitely going back to see this maybe 2 more times!!!
I hate to poop on the party, but it really wasn’t that good of a movie.
It was really long and took forever for something to happen.
Neither Captian America or Thor were shirtless ever which I was really looking forward to.
Black Widow barely did anything cool who I was looking forward to.
It was just meh.
Not sure you saw the same movie everyone else did, my friend; movie was well-paced and did a great job balancing its ensemble cast. And it had something for everyone. For ass-men, there’s Chris Evans (and they’ve been showcasing it since the trailers started for the movie). If you prefer a good gun show, you had Jeremy Renner and Chris Hemsworth.
As to Black Widow’s appearance in the movie, I must respectfully disagree again. She and Hawkeye (Renner) are the most “human” of the group (as opposed to “super-human”). In the trailer, she confides in Hawkeye that they weren’t trained for what was happening. Relative to her cohorts, she’s all too fragile, but she doesn’t stop or give up. They gave her some great scenes, and ScarJo made the most of them.
What do you mean by “something”? Because a lot happens in that very entertaining film.
Well, no, they weren’t… but they are in their own respective films, so you know where to go if you want to see that.
And finally, did you not see the scene with Black Widow and Loki? Or her introduction scene?
I dunno, I get the feeling you don’t hate pooping on the party, but rather enjoy it because it’s quite difficult to fin flaws in that very very entertaining film.
chris H, chris E, jeremy R – drool-worthy!!!
The movie was just satisfying in every possible way. A real crowd pleaser. Also, good to know I wasn’t the only one who noticed how prominent Chris Evans’ buttcheeks were in EVERY. SINGLE. SCENE. he was in.
Somehow I feel like I should think Joss Whedon for this.
I think a high speed chase in an underground tunnel with guns blazing within the first 5 minutes of the movie constitutes as “something.” And even though the movie is 2.5 hours long, I was disappointed that it wasn’t 2 hours longer!
Perhaps I was expecting too much, but I would give it 3.5 out of 5. I enjoyed the movie, but I did not leave it with the buzz that, say, The Dark Knight left me with. I actually thought last year’s Captain America was a considerably better film. Lots of eye candy, though!
I’m sure I’m gonna get flamed, but Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker reminded me an awful lot of Al Pacino’s Big Boy Caprice from “Dick Tracy”. I liked “Dark Knight”, but didn’t love it … just the same, I will see “Dark Knight Rises” to see how this reboot ends.
The only thing that could have made it better was if The Scarlet Witch had been included! Or Ms Marvel!
I prefer Jeremy Renner, but Chris Evans is nice when unshorn.
Renner is only ok for me. I am looking forward to see the two Chris. Too bad Loki didn’t make them make out or something like that. LOL
First of all, the movie was AWESOME!! The best movie I’ve seen this year. And yes, Chris Evans’s ass was a delight! I love this man… i should say, i LUST this man. He is on my list!!! That ass… OH MY GOSH!!! I’m like a school girl… it’s so embarrassing!!
I LIVED for this
If you want a flesh baring movie you should’ve rented something from TheLoveShop