It all began at Canada's MuchMusic Awards. Black Eyed Peas member Fergie approached He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to inquire why he was such a wanker, and his catty response just happened to hurt her feelings.
In defense of his band-mate, rolls up to the gossip blogger and confronts him about his wanker-tude. The pop star is called a "faggot" for demanding respect. Fast-forward a couple of hours and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named posts on Twitter that he needs the police. Apparently he is bleeding after being "assaulted by Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas and his security guards".
These allegations are denied, with the oh-so-important Tila Tequila in support of the Peas. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named claims there are witnesses. So what actually happened here?
– Dewitt
For the original tweets and another response from, follow the JUMP:
Perez Hilton (Oops, I uttered his name- strike me down) has the gall to call ANYONE ELSE a faggot…
Perez is just an all around asshole, and a drama queen, just looking at his tweets shows that much.
Perez Hilton shouldn’t be allowed in any community, let alone the gay community.
What a cancerous growth.
Now on to… never really paid much attention to him before, but I have to say he has his head on right. Well spoken and made some great points.
Alright, I’m not your typical homo…and the way I was taught, you gave people respect. If they disrespect you, you deal with it accordingly. Perez talks smack all day, eventually someone was going to pull his card. Perez didn’t know where grew up or what/who he knows, and that is why it was not wise to call him a faggot, especially if he was defending anyone’s honor. I guess now he (Perez) sees how deep honor goes. I’ve never known the Black Eyed Peas to be “hood”, they make party anthems, so for this situation to escalate the way it did, the words that were said must have been unwarranted. I hope Perez learns to swallow his pride, lest he eat his words and his teeth.
Ferg: “Let’s Get It Started”
Per: Ew girl, “It Smells Like Funk”, You ain’t “Glamorous”
Ferg: Oh, no no no, “Don’t Funk With My Heart”
Will: Hey! “Where Is the Love?” She’s “Fergalicious!”
Per: “Shut Up”
Will: Oh yeah? I’m fixin to give you some “Boom Boom Pow”
Per: Ouch that hurt “My Humps”
Will & Ferg: Oh I thought “Big Girls Don’t Cry”
First it was carrie Prejean, the Dustin lance Black now it’s the Black-Eyed Peas…Perez Hilton is becoming the paparrazzi himself…Inciting a celebrity to get a negative reaction so he came boast about it on his blog…It’s a shame when someone has become as well known as he has then basically abuses that popularity in thre name of blog hits…If his actions continue it will only be a matter of time until Perez Hilton under the trash heap with all of the other rotting garbage.
lol/ just watched perez’ response on his website. he claims he was attacked. then he got all into tears by the end of the video.
he is such a shame to the gay community.
P.Hilton is a mess and he should be ashamed of himself. In his video he didn’t even shed a single tear.
It’s kinda sad to think that a grown arse man sits around allday writing snide comments for a living…
If you’re known for trashing celebs and being catty, how do you think celebs will treat you when they encounter you?
Will.I.Am is of jamaican descent, [and if you’re not aware] it’s a pretty bad curse in jamaican to call someone gay…
While punching Hilton’s certainly not the most mature or brilliant response…is there anyone with any sense that can blame Will.I.Am.? I mean…at all? And that’s assuming he actually hit Hilton, which seems questionable.
Way I see it, he did the rest of us a favor. And saying that leaves a bad taste in my mouth given that it’s all too easy to transfer those words into the mouth of a ‘phobe who’s talking about your run of the mill gays.
That said, don’t care. Hilton’s possibly the worst thing we could have attached to the gay community right now and for someone to smack him down brightens my day significantly. Add in the disturbingly moronic “I’m gonna tweet rather than call the cops” followed by “Boy, I’m sure the cops are reading my twitter so I’ll contact them through that” and I can’t help but call bullshit. I mean…nobody could be dumb enough to be assaulted and tweet about it rather than call the c…oh, right. Perez actually COULD be that stupid so I guess that theory just lost some strength.
Hilton’s a moron. I don’t advocate assault, but I don’t blame WIA one hair. Hilton deserved it I’m sure and he’s a moron for using twitter (many MANY times) rather than just calling the cops.
Lol if you need the police wouldn’t you use your Sidekick to CALL them instead of TWEET about it? lol!
I think Perez is far over publicized and turned into a celebrity when he shouldn’t be. Trying to out people who don’t want to be outed isn’t cool no matter what your reason. You should respect people’s decisions and not just go around being catty and making shiteous remarks (thanks for the word Dewitt) about folk and them be surprised when someone finally has had enough and does something about it!
Honestly, Perez deserved it (if it indeed happened). When an entire life is all about tearing people down, then that person deserves to get punched in the face.
Plus, is like black Jesus, how can he do wrong?
TMZ has a video of name calling incident. Apparently Perez thinks he’s a singer.
And GLAAD is asking for an apology from Perez for using the highly offensive gay slur.