Will We Finally Have A Naked Senator?

Scott Brown

The first Republican vying to take over Ted Kennedy's vacant seat has entered the race, and some not so clothed pictures of him are popping up! State Senator and former Cosmopolitan centerfold Scott Brown posed as "America's Sexiest Man" in 1982!

Within a day of entering the race, the picture has already come back to haunt him. I don't think it will do too much damage, he doesn't even show peen… unfortunately. Plus, the odds of a republican winning that seat is slim to none.

– Andy

For the nude shot, follow the JUMP:

State Sen Scott Brown

13 thoughts on “Will We Finally Have A Naked Senator?

  1. who cares that he’s a member of a party that seeks to oppress us…as long as we can see him naked, right?

  2. So, you say he’s a member of a party trying to oppress us, but we have a president who promised us everything but hasn’t (and probably won’t) deliver. Who’s oppressing who?

  3. wow jeremy how dumb are you? obama has only been in the white house for 9 months and you expect him to get everything accomplishe in that time? quite frankly i would much rather him worry about our enemies and our economy before he worries about gay marriage. he still has at least 3 years and 3 months to deal with that. we have survived this long without it so i think we can survive a little longer!

  4. Wow, I remember that centerfold. I saw it at a salon while I was waiting for my mother to get her hair done. I was 12. I think he was quite sexy back than.

  5. It truly baffles me how eager people are to make excuses for this administration. It is not that we expect Obama to waltz in and fix our lives in 9 months. However, it cannot be denied that actikons speak louder than words and most of his actions towards the gay community have been to throw us under the bus. Inauguration speech? At least the marching band was gay! DADT? Let’s wait til it’s palatable to all, as if Truman waited to end segregation in the military. DOMA? Why repel it when we can equate gay marriage to pedopholia and bestiality! And what he says in private (that he was upset about their choice of words) doesn’t matter, it’s what he does in public, as President, that counts. This guy used us to get in and now just wishes we’d go away or stay put until “better times” to keep the promises he made. At least with Bush you knew where you stood and could fight back, but how do you fight a bigot who happens to be a Liberal? Gross…

  6. Well, i dont understand you americans, really… you have a great son of a bitch motherfuckin asshole bastard as GW Bush, and you dont say nothing against him until the last year of his presidency. You ev’n booed Michael moore on his speech at the Oscars, and popularity vows all across America put him on high. The only reason why you all star saying thing agains him was because suddenly appeared American Dad on TV… now you have this presindetn, who’s coming with a lot of troubles that your dear ex-president dropped out, and spite that the law about crimes of hate added violent from homophobia one, you expect that in 9 months sudenly he back up to gay peoplestrongly?? He has better thing to do that dealing with our sexual life, c’mon!! That’s why I dont understand amercians, how could you love a motherfucker so easily, and get angry with a idealist who’s newbie as easy as well… you gotta check your priorities… Health, economy and jobs are way on the top of the list before dealing with sexual preferences…

  7. I would like to see naked pics of him now. Cause WOW HOT THEN AND HOT NOW no matter what party he is. As for Obama boys seriously they say what they say to get what they want we all know that; so sit back relax and enjoy the view of the man on the screen.

  8. Andy Bearden: “I would rather him worry about our enemies and the economy…”. So far, he has placated our enemies with his European apology tour, showing us to be weak; pledged to close Gitmo which would send the terrorists where–back home?; and just signed a U.N. treaty to reduce our nuclear weapons, leaving Iran and North Korea to become bolder in their actions. As for the economy, in nine months, Obama has single-handedly increased the federal deficit into the trillions and is seeking to tax us even more with cap and trade and health care, while millions of people are still out of work. Yes, DADT and DOMA are the least of our worries right now. But I’m just wondering if there will be a country left to live in when Obama gets done with his “work”.

  9. wow! an honest to god Log Cabin Republican in our midst….who knew?!?!
    Sorry to debunk the myths you’re living with Jeremy S. but our deficit was already in the trillions before January of ’09. Besides which there is NEVER any “single handedness” when it comes to deficit spending so at least have the knowledge and courtesy to spread the blame around regardless of party affiliation…we’re all guilty.(i do have to remind you that the last balanced budget submitted to congress was by a democrat though,lol) You actually ARE correct about one point though…DOMA is the least of our worries. Chin up everyone…we’ll get there eventually!

  10. wow! an honest to god Log Cabin Republican in our midst….who knew?!?!
    Sorry to debunk the myths you’re living with Jeremy S. but our deficit was already in the trillions before January of ’09. Besides which there is NEVER any “single handedness” when it comes to deficit spending so at least have the knowledge and courtesy to spread the blame around regardless of party affiliation…we’re all guilty.(i do have to remind you that the last balanced budget submitted to congress was by a democrat though,lol) You actually ARE correct about one point though…DOMA is the least of our worries. Chin up everyone…we’ll get there eventually!

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