While editing this weekend’s Manhunt Man of The Week interview with MonsterCubFTL, I stumbled over to Bear Films and realized they completely redesigned their site. This would be significantly more exciting if their past few updates weren’t so damn lackluster—and I say that with no disrespect to anyone who produced or starred in them—but alas, a few good things came out of this development.
For starters, I found out about this clip of bearded beauty Kroy Bama flip-fucking with some dude named John Morewood. Then, I remembered how much I love John Thomas and got a boner for him. And last but not least, I realized I had this photo shoot of Viktor Karmen sitting on my desktop, just waiting to be shared with all you horny gentleman at home. That’s something, right?
Thanks to all that salt and pepper goodness surrounding his handsome face, Viktor’s scenes have been some of the best Bear Films has had to offer in 2013. The outdoor threeway with Fran JB was particularly nice, and while I’d love to hold onto the empty hope that they’ll bring him back for more action, they don’t exactly have the best track record for rehiring performers. Sad face!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Bear Films
Check out a photo spread of Viktor Karmen below:
Watch Viktor in action and see even more pics at BEAR FILMS.
Oh cool! Another negative comment from you. That’s always what people want to read, really.
I try. ; )
Just remember guys everyone comes in different sizes and shapes! Not everyone is perfect. Negativity sucks!
Just remember guys everyone comes in all different sizes and shapes! Not everyone is perfect. Negativity sucks!
NO !!!
Dewitt you are giving Kitty what s/he wants. I know it’s tough, but maybe if we ignore it, it will just fade away.
Maybe Kitty Cat will cross the road and get hit by a car?
Your boy has some sweat meets #Trevor
Don’t count on it.
I find that the “accept anything” mentality is contributing to America’s obesity problem. Let’s not encourage them with this whole “different shapes and sizes” platitude.
Soooo fucking hot. God, just imagine how amazing his hole feels when it swallows your cock. Uugggh and his hugs are probably out of this world
I do think the same. Not everybody likes super-sized meals… Just saying…
o mais lindo e gostoso de todos os ursos que eu ja vi.
Viktor Karmen vc é muito lindo se eu podesse eu faria sexo 24 h com vc nós dois sendo versáteis.