Would You Hit That?: Alan Cumming

Alan Cumming is so hot right now! On the small screen, he’s making waves with the CBS hit drama The Good Wife. And let’s not forget his roles in two of the season’s most talked about movies–Burlesque and The Tempest. He’s living proof that openly gay actors can make it in Hollywood, as long as they’ve got talent on their side.

But let’s go back to that first question. Is Alan Cumming literally hot right now? Perhaps “literally” isn’t the right word to use in this instance. Technically, you wouldn’t know the answer unless his warm body was pressed against you. So, um, let’s rephrase that… Would you bang this guy?

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Greg Endries

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23 thoughts on “Would You Hit That?: Alan Cumming

  1. He sometimes sorta disgusts me… not totally disgusting….. but he looked his best as Nightcrawler on X-Men 2 movie, lol

  2. hmmmmm, he’s just not the sort of guy I am into, and I don’t mean to be insulting but he really turns me off!

  3. uhm no paul…u haven’t seen him in Titus. but he has a fan base so i’m sure there are few wankers who got it bad for him

  4. I have always found him to be amazingly sexy for some reason…right back to the first time I saw him, in a wonderful movie called “Circle of Friends”, based upon the book of the same title…

  5. I remember getting a glimpse of his ass in the L Word, or was it Queer as Folk? Very nice cakes, so I would definitely hit.

  6. This guy can’t make my penis get hard. He doesn’t turn me on. If he were Eddie Cibrian or Alex O’Loughin, my penis would get hard right away.

  7. quote “living proof that openly gay actors can make it in Hollywood, as long as they’ve got talent on their side.”

    he is talented but the only role he has played is the openly gay parts or the films freak – its good he has been sucessful but its on Hollywoods terms and casting perceptions – openly gay actors men who might want to act will still be limited in roles

  8. @Han; the point I was making, this guy isn’t attractive at all. If he was attractive like Eddie Cibiran or Alex O’Loughlin, I would be all over him sexing him to death.

  9. Luv him… personality,sexy foreign accent, charming wit, good looks, great smile…i’m so loving him

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