Here’s Christian Bale at the airport sporting a shaved dome. Is that his real hair and he’s been wearing a shiny wig all these years? No, it’s probably for a role. Angry acting genius Bale is known to go balls to the wall for a film role. No one saw The Machinist, and Bale still almost killed himself losing weight for it (terrifying photo here). And remember the do he was sporting in The Fighter? Christian’s hair is just one of the many tools in his acting toolbox. Along with body. And a fiery temper! What do you think? Is Christian Bale’s scalp doing it for ya?
Yeah, not so much. This version’s way hotter:
Maybe I’ll be in the minority, but… YES, OH MY SCROTUM, YES.
He looks like a regular dude who you’d just suck off in the steam room at the gym. Not that I’ve ever done anything like that.
In some shots? Yes. In some? No. It’s not a bad look, but I did love his hair.
Either way – – hells yes — I’d drop to my knees for all of that ! ! !
I’d still hit it. It’s his intensity as a person that I find really sexy… he just seems like he’s smoldering underneath and I want to warm myself in that fire.
And by myself I mean my penis, and by fire I mean his butthole. Just to clarify.
I’d do him in a fuckin’ heart beat!
Absolutely not — with or without hair. His temper and general douche bag behavior makes him an ugly person in my eyes. I don’t care how physically attractive he is, or how talented he is, if you treat people like he does, you have an ugly soul.
Absolutely! Whatever kinky shit he wanted to do, I’m in. (Yes, I added the kinky part because to me he seems like he’d want to do edgy stuff.)
I love how the banner pic (and second to last) has “Virgin A…” next to his bald head
He’s not a total douche, I remember him going out of his way to visit the victims of that Aurora, CO shooting last year (though it was his movie that became the stage for the said shooting, but that’s besides the point).
I would hit Christian anytime, with or without hair.