I love my country. But, like many Americans, it periodically annoys the fuck out of me. What is today’s first world problem, you might ask? The newest Nicholas Sparks shitshow is #2 at the box office and the utterly brilliant, scary, and hysterical The Cabin In The Woods is at #6. It’s only been out for two weeks. Are you shitting me? Listen – Cabin is the one of the cleverest horror flicks that’s been out in a long time. It’s co-written by Joss Whedon (of Buffy and the upcoming Avengers fame) and directed by the dude who wrote Cloverfield. If you haven’t seen it yet, you’re missing out. I could go on and on about what a cool flick it is, but I need to get to the potentially sexy man portion of this “Would You Hit That?”.
Fran Kranz is a regular Whedon actor (he was on the late, lamented Dollhouse) who plays the stoner archetype (that’s a plot clue, btw) in the movie. He’s hilarious and makes for an unlikely hero. In the movie, he’s a bit of a blazed-out mess and he looks it. But I once saw Mr. Kranz on the street in NYC and he is a HANDSOME guy. Dude had the nicest skin I have ever seen on a man. No joke.
Anyway, check out the pics of Franz in non-stoner mode after the JUMP. Would you hit that?
– J. Harvey
For more pics of Franz Kranz, Follow the JUMP:
To answer your question, yes I would hit that (as well as the other guys in the movie)…and I have to agree that the movie was brilliant, and should be performing at the box office better than it is.
Over and over and over
ok, i’m a huge lover all things joss whedon, mostly. this movie was pretty clever and quite good, but there were soooo many unintentional buffy/angel overlaps. the facility was like the initiative in buffy season 4….the talk of “the old ones” was so angel season 5. i think he’s becoming a bit bereft of ideas! i did like the movie tho
Clever? The movie was anything but clever. I could not stand this obvious, nihilistic piece of crap.
Yep. I like him.
ha, and here I thought he was kind of a ‘secret sex’ category guy.
I thought the movie was pretty optimistic, as dark as it was. Granted I also thought that it was intentionally riffing on a couple of older ideas they never really had a proper budget for on any of his shows.
Fran has the biggest feet I have ever seen on a guy — do a quick google search and you will find some….makes one wonder…
No thanks, but I will take Chris Hemsworth!