After the Friends spin-off Joey failed to take off, actor Matt LeBlanc became a bit of a joke. Now, it appears that he’s finally in on the joke, as he’ll be playing himself on the upcoming Showtime series Episodes. Yes, you read that properly–Matt LeBlanc will be starring in the role of Matt LeBlanc!
The show’s trailer makes several references to LeBlanc’s penis, joking that it’s “enormous like a sea creature”. We’re not really sure whether that’s true or not, but we’d still like to know… would you hop in bed with the former Joey Tribbiani?
– Dewitt
To check out a preview of Episodes and cast your vote, follow the JUMP:
The gray hair thing is workin’ for this guy. Kind of has the Clooney sex appeal, but with the Joey slant. I like it!
totally agree, there is now more competition for the sexiest silver fox alive title…. (Andy Coop is still my number one though)
Hell Yes!!
god no!
I never stopped enjoying him! Not only would I jump in the sack with him, I’d drag him off to a state where I can marry the man.
He look much better now, all grown up and mature which makes him sexy.
Digging the silver hair— and aging very well.
I had an old friend and she dated him right around when he got his first Heinz commercial (about a half million years ago) and she said he had an enormous cock, “borderline too big” and this was a girl who had no problem dragging more than one guy into her bed at a time. So its not like she was not used to… well, you know. Lets put it this way, she was the person who explained the mechanics and hygiene of ass sex to me and it sure as hell didn’t sound like she got her info outta a book.
So yes, HUGE cock.
The trailer looks great and look forward to seeing it in Aus. Always liked Joey in Friends, he was fun and poked fun at himself.He and Chandler were a great twosome, hhhhmm I wonder if they ever compared??? Luv ya Joey.xoxoxo
matt’s pulling off that gray rather nicely.
now, to get a picture of mr. leBlanc’s hairy chest…
Yup. He’s turned into a silver fox!
He’s always been sexy to me. But he is not old! He has just a couple of years on me. Life must have been tough for him. Or his genes. To be that gray already… Wow. But he is sexy!
Fuck yes, I’d love to be topped by him.
Um, HELLS yeah. I had a crush on Matty when I was a kid and he was on “TV 101”.
and some of us just go grey earlier than others.
Oh Yeah! Would love to sample some of Matt’s long schlong, and hoping the carpet matches the drapes!
Gotta go now… very hard
Hell yeah, I’d do him. I’ve been drooling over him since that failed Married With Children spinoff back in the day.
i’m lovin’ it.
yes!! always have had the hots for matt and the gray does suit him really well
He looked hot in friends when he was young with the bad haircuts but with the salt and pepper crew cut he is much more attractive. I think most men reach their prime in their 30s and 40s. Mattie is a good example.
yeah id rather fuck him than my mother
No. Not now, not ever.