Would You Hit That?: Russell Brand

It says a lot that only one percent of you wouldn’t sleep with James Marsden. So in the grand tradition of making things a little more interesting, we’ve selected someone who isn’t universally adored for today’s edition of Would You Hit That. That’s right! It’s the man otherwise known as Mr. Katy Perry

Aside from (sort of) appearing alongside Marsden Hop, this guy seems to be all over the place. Seriously! Are there any movies that don’t have Russell Brand in them? We’re probably exaggerating a bit, mostly because we can’t believe he’s costarred in two films with Helen Mirren in the past year. But, um, how did he suddenly become a legit movie star?

Of course, there are more important questions on hand… Like, would you ever do the deed with this long-haired, twiggy motherfucker? Sometimes we think there’s something weirdly hot about him, and other times we want to smash our faces into a wall whenever we hear his name. Where do you stand on this matter?

– Dewitt

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At least you know he’d be creative in bed?

169 thoughts on “Would You Hit That?: Russell Brand

  1. He’d be the guy I’d do just for the story of it…

    At a bar one night, everyone talking about who got with who, then I’d say, “Well yea, I fucked Russell Brand harder than BP fucked the Gulf.”

  2. There’s just something completely unappealing about him. His hair, for one…love me some dudes with long or short hair (I just love dudes, period), so that’s not the issue. Check out the first picture underneath the Rolling Stone cover. Just the way he’s done up, his appearance is too feminine to do anything for me. Oftentimes, his hair looks prettier than most women’s.

  3. I am sorry.. in what fucking universe is he sexy.. ? I just want to puke everytime i look at him and hear him talk. I like accents but his is horrible.

  4. Hell no I would not , I would do a Non White guy first before him:) and no i am not racist

  5. Ok, well you’re just ignorant then. Idk how non white guys can’t be hot enough to want to screw.

  6. Come on 66% of guys would kick RB outta bed, are you blind, look at that body,damn nice arse and cocksucking lips too…

  7. OMG! I seriously thought it’d be much closer than that! I’d do Russell in a heartbeat! My friends and I were talking about it, we were all afraid to admit it and then one of us just said…ok I’d let Russell Brand stick it in me. Then we all breathed a sigh of relief and agreed, EVEN though we think we’d contract some std.

  8. Are you really serious, I would rather kiss boobies than go near this disgusting toad.

  9. Which part of your statement ISN’T racist??!! You really don’t seem to undertand the term…

  10. why is he even famous? He’s ugly, he LOOKS like he STINKS, and he’s not funny. It’s a shame that Katy Perry, as beautiful as she is, married down….. way down!

  11. Truth WTF !! your not RACIST than why the hell would U even make ( non white ) the statement ? The TRUTH is TRUTH you are indeed a RACIST !!!

  12. He has a decent body, but his face is lacklustre.
    He’s also a bit douchey… Not conventionally, like it’s for laughs, but it’s still grating.

  13. well YES beecause he
    – is a decadent do-anyhting type
    – is a genius
    – would have the Best pad, drinks buddies, toys, drugs etc
    – givng him a big serve of what the girl kisser cannot do..

    I guess USA would find him hard to accept. And really there is nothing pretty about him left..

  14. Well he certainly isn’t my idea of hot but I’d totally do it just to get to be silly with him. He cracks my ass up with his humor…and I agree there is something weirdly hot about him…beyond just his weirdness.

  15. Blackjack , U don’t know me and i Don’t know u . THANK GOD. but i am not a racist , I have black, Mexican, Asian and Arab friends,none which i sleep with . but would if i had a choice with the guy above. I have the right who i like and who i sleep with and i never said anything about black so STFU!!!!! i have the right to say what i want here same as NON WHITE”S and not be called a racist. I HAVE A DREAM!!!! THAT ONE DAY I TOO CAN CAN SPEAK HERE WITH OUT SAME OF BEING CALLED A RACIST. OH YEA I DO FIRST AMENDMENT GIVES ME THAT RIGHT!!!!!!!

  16. MSU Dog ! Pershaps there more 2 Russell than what meets the eye it is often said that LOVE is blind ( LOL at least N her case I hope it is ) but I still have voted with the majority no way N hell !!!

  17. LOL@MSU Dog; there is something a little sexy about this guy. If I was horny and woke up next to him in bed with a hard on, I wouldn’t kick him out of my bed.

  18. Blackjack, although his remarks were hurtful to men of color, he has a right to express how he feel. If he’s not attracted to black men, it’s his choice.

  19. Continual stupidity. The first amendment is made for governmental purposes. And you using “non whites” as a last resort makes you and the two people who agree with you indeed ignorant. And this comes from a white guy. Do better in life Truth, do better.

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