Would You Hit That?: Steven Yeun

The Walking Dead is back, and it is GROSS. It is NOT a good life when you have to do stomach content searches on a zombie to make sure that it didn’t eat your kid! BLECH. One of the more underrated characters on the show is Glenn, the cute Asian-American dude who is a regular joe just looking to survive. He’s also one of the braver characters, willing to take risks but lacking the psychosis of other zombie-hunters like  Shane and Daryl. Glenn is played by actor Steven Yeun.

The scene where he took off in the sports car last season, and was all victory-yelling and loving the lack of traffic due to the Apocalypse made me want to make out with him.

What about you? Would you travel in an RV with Steven Yeun, fighting zombies and then having the sex?

– J. Harvey

For more shots of Yeun, Follow the JUMP:

20 thoughts on “Would You Hit That?: Steven Yeun

  1. I would rather hit it with the guy that plays Shane.  Rick and Shane in a sandwich situation would be worth the zombie hordes.  I said hordes not whores.  lol.

  2. lol he’s Asian. obviously the most popular answer will be 
    I’d watch that show, but I’d like to keep my dinner down.

  3. I think the deputy needs to get Glenn away from the group and teach him to “respect his authoratay!”

  4. well..
    ..steven doesn’t quite have “the look” for which i, personally, am interested in; although i can readily concede that the young man is, never-the-less, attractive.

    (p.s. — i am thinking a ban on GROSS is in order here: it seems that, with this individual, “if it ain’t all white, it ain’t All Right.”

    {what a piss-poor attitude to have, indeed.})

  5. Yes, Shane is hot and I think he would be hot in bed. However, I find the actor that plays the redneck on ‘The Walking Dead’ to be hot.

  6. I agree about the redneck guy. He and this other hot actor play Irish brothers and they came to American and they were killers. They both are hot!!!

  7. WOW you guys are fucking jaded AND racist! Yes, I would hit that. I would fucking marry that. And for the record he’s a human so it’s a ‘him’. 

  8. “obviously” your response is a clear indication that most of the guys lie to you about not being able to keep their own dinner down after having to deal with your ignorance. 

  9. what’s even more amusing is that’s more than likely the only way you’re able to get any guys.  Sticking with the only tatic that gets you any action. Awesome!!  

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