Would You Hit That?: Tom Ford

In the latest issue of Interview magazine, painter John Currin asks Tom Ford a few questions. Their conversation somehow leads to male nudity, in which the forty-nine year old designer and director reveals that he spends the majority of his at-home time in the buff…

To cut right to the chase, are you turned on by the thought of Tom Ford walking around naked? If he were A Single Man, would you like to do more than walk around naked with him? Basically, would you hit that? Cast your vote, and weigh in with your thoughts in the comments section.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Craig McDean

To cast your vote, follow the JUMP:

Here’s a nice shot. Thanks Ryan!

31 thoughts on “Would You Hit That?: Tom Ford

  1. he’s one of the few men I’d consider the ultimate man to be with…hot, handsome, furry, intelligent, talented, sexy as all get-out, and did I mention hot, handsome and furry? Just absolutely stunning as both eye candy and manhood…..

  2. i would let him tap it til i was bone dry hit it hell he can break me off some of that yumm yumm

  3. I like to suck men in suit. So based on that picture…
    Ok see what you did!? Now I’m horny!

  4. toupee’, botox, filler, foundation,over tweezed dyed eyebrows and photo retouched , gimme a brake, dont confuse impression management , with good looks or manly sexy…you are all so typical , look at jim frenchs work with colt or the tom of finland body of work. fags have gotten so faggy,cheers

  5. toupee’, botox, filler, foundation,over tweezed dyed eyebrows and photo retouched , gimme a brake, dont confuse impression management , with good looks or manly sexy…you are all so typical , look at jim frenchs work with colt or the tom of finland body of work. fags have gotten so faggy,cheers

  6. I have the hugest crush on him, and in a a hot second I would be all over him if he was naked laying in my bed.

  7. “He’s so handsome I could love him for years” WTF????? Handsome equals love? I could fuck him or suck his cock for years maybe.

  8. you have said it all. Tom Ford was stunningly sexy years ago and still is. Drooling is the natural state for me when thinking of him!

  9. Absolutely!!! He is one of the most attractive men I’ve ever seen, period! And he isn’t perfect. Yes very well groomed and he is incrediabley aware of his presentation. But have you seen that forehead? You could land a commercial airliner on that. And I love him all the more for it!

  10. And the Tom of Finland “man” was some sort of more “manly” ideal? Love Tom of Finland, but many of the characters had bigger tits (and I mean like breasts) than many of the women in the comics in Playboy in the 70’s and 80’s. Both of your references are of mostly tweezed, groomed, and perfectly quaifed men; incredibley stylized. The only thing “faggy” about Tom Ford is that he’s been with his much older partner for almost 20 years. Just because he can manage to put on more than jeans, t-shirt and baseball cap doesn’t make him any les “manly”

  11. He is lovely – and surely lovely in his world includes all the cosmetic advantages known to humanitiy. So what? Most of the men in this site are airbrushed to comic-book levels. Tom Ford.. sigh..

  12. penso che sia uno degli uomini piu’ belli del mondo. Aggiunge alle sue doti classe ed eleganza. Che si puo’ sperare di piu’ da una persona?

  13. He is hot he has a confidence about himself that makes him sexy and he does not even look 49 and o yeah he is a great fashion designer

  14. I haven’t seen very much of him but based on these pics, I wouldn’t kick him out of bed.

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