Would You Watch “Half-Share?”

Hot actor Kyle Spidle (he’s new, so someone dig us up dirty pics of him) plays “Mac,” an everygayman who decides to recover from a 14-year relationship by being slapped in the face with every stereotype possible on Fire Island. It’s the premise of the new web-series Half-Share. Summer hijinks of the homo variety ensue  when every color of the rainbow (the pastel version) share a gaycation palace on the famed island. What do you get when you mix a cheery Gaysian, a black drag queen who doesn’t measure (the alcohol), a drunken middle-aged gay couple discussing their dick preferences, and a tweaked-out former chorus boy? You probably get a headache and an urge to hang out with your straight friends.

Then again, who am I kidding? I’d totally watch this. Let’s not kid ourselves, we all know guys like this or we ARE guys like this. Just because it’s a stereotype doesn’t mean there’s not a bit of truth to it, right? It’s got some great actors/comedians (Alec Mapa and Jack Plotnick), and some of the bits in the trailer actually made me chuckle. Some didn’t (Gaga jokes are officially past the sell-by date), but it’s only the pilot. Plus, this Kyle Spidle fella is SWEET. So glad they included a burly sort with facial hair. He might even have a belly on him. Is he the official throwing of the bone to the bear community? We’ll take it.

– J. Harvey

To watch the trailer for Half-Share (and to let us know if you would watch it), Follow the JUMP

14 thoughts on “Would You Watch “Half-Share?”

  1. Looks like it could be fun to watch… At a bar or in the background at a party where you can only see the humor and not necessarily have to endure their talking. Lol!

  2. Ehh I might take a look, but something tells me the ratio of crap jokes to good jokes is woefully off.

  3. Great another movie that enforces every stereotype about gays… I would not even bother.

  4. “According to Grindr, there’s a hot guy inside me right now.” That line may have sold me.

  5. I love over-exaggerated gay stereotypes!
    They kill me! I mean, not too many people are really that bad, and seeing it so is just funny.

    also, 75% of the guys are hot.

  6. That certainly looks more like something that I would watch than say “Jersey Shore” or “The real housewives of…” anywhere.  I too loved the Grindr line. Brilliant.

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