After being exposed last year as “Nash” on Fratmen, college wrestler Paul Donahue found himself in a bit of a pickle (pun intended) due to an NCAA regulation which states that athletes are not allowed to use their images for commercial gain. The scandal nearly ruined his sports career.
Donahue was dismissed from his University of Nebraska team, but now he’s back in the game after a transfer to Edinboro University. Despite the repercussions of the controversy, he remains entirely unapologetic. In an interview with The Boston Globe, the gay-for-pay wrestler declared, “I didn’t do anything illegal. I didn’t hurt anyone. I don’t think I did anything wrong. Who should I apologize to?”
I agree with Donahue that he doesn’t need to say sorry to anyone, though maybe I’m a bit biased after seeing him naked.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: The Boston Globe
For some NSFW photos of wrestler Paul Donahue, follow the JUMP:
He is one HOT HOT HOT Looking man!!!!!!! and that cock of his…He should make a model of it and make tons of money!!!!!! YUMMMMMMMM
i agree its his life and body, our professions should not limit our personal activities
I don’t believe that people should judge people for what they do in there personal time. It’s not like he did anything bad. All he did was make a movie, and there is nothing wrong with a little exhibition. People in society need to stop being so narrow minded about what people do in the personal time, that is why they call it “PERSONAL” time.
I agree completely. I’m still confused about how what he did was wrong. I can understand how posing nude could have a negative impact on the university’s image but he used a stage name and didn’t affiliate himself with the college. Everyone needs to get over it and what he does in his PERSONAL life.
i say toss the wrestling, stick to porn/modeling with those looks…it will pay
He doesn’t need to apologize to anyone. I could look at him all day long.
It’s just another example of corporate greed at work. The people telling him how to spend his personal time should go fuck off and if that won’t happen then he should do like several other above me have said….stick to the porn/modeling….maybe it’s a case of penis envy…where is sigmund freud when you need him….LOL
@Gay but not offended: The point apparently is that as an NCAA athlete, you sign a contract at the beginning of every season that states that they essentially own your image, and you can’t do anything else to earn money from your image. That’s why it was a problem — had nothing to do with exactly what he was doing. He’d have had the same problem if he’d been working as a fashion model.
What a great response….. good for him!
First of all, major kudos to Mr. Donahue for not sweeping this under the rug and speaking out about his scandal.
However, as a former college athlete myself, the NCAA has clear stipulations about how an athlete conducts himself while representing their university. It is also important to note that his employment must first meet the approval and compliance of the university. Mr. Donahue, like all student-athletes, are made aware of these bylaws and rules prior to signing their letter of intent.
He paid his price, and is doing what he does without regrets. And for that I’m thankful…what an amazing college jock! One thing’s for sure…he does have a promising future in at least one industry.
Another example of corporate slavery. Since when should any Corporation, University or any other entity have any say in what you do on your personal time. As far as I’m concerned these contracts that the Universities and the NCAA have you sign should be illegal. Of course, the lawyers would say otherwise because they would have no work.
I also agree that he should just stick to his “gay for pay” work and tell the NCAA to fuck off!
Stipulations & Regulations… Corporate Contracts. Too conservative, too Republican for me. Yes, I do agree we need order before chaos, but regs and rules are too much sometimes that bite you back like with poor Pauly.
Was it true that the owner of MH gave thousands to the McCain Campaign? Hmm… Conservatives everywhere. I live in SF & if the above is true, Im surprised homos in SF still support MH. Lots of scary liberals out here.
During Elections I was having a cocktail in the Castro when I was yanked out of the bar to go marching to city hall with hundreds of big ole lesbians and twinky gay boys yelling, “out of the bars into the streets” (hello MILK), in support of No on Prop 8. Some of the group leaders had a list of Prop 8 supporters who want marriage between 1 man and 1 woman. I was surprised to see so many local restaurants and merchants who want to take our rights away to marry.
I wonder if MH gave money to the Prop 8 campaign, I mean if he really did give money to the McCain Campaign it really is no different. Could the webmaster, blog facilitator answer this?
I like dick
Does he actually fuck with any of the guys on the website? Do they kiss, and appear to like each other? THEN it would be hot. Whacking off for the camera? Whoopee.
damm he has nothing to be ashamed of..fucking HOTTTTT!!!!
Really, is it any different than a women dancing on a stage for tuition?? Perhaps this will at least help them keep the student loans & aid grants to a minimum. The school can then give those grants to the less fortunate, and less resourceful students. Leave them alone, worry about what happens in your own backyard. ALSO, really what old uptight school administrator is watching these videos anyway?? Maybe he / she has some explaining to do????
hey do what you do ..if i had a body like that i be naked all the time for no damn reason but damn if i don’t wish i was in college with you then..lmao…