In case you aren’t aware, 2013 is the year of the unicorn. The majestic, mythical beasts will stomp down vampires and zombies to claim their rightful place in pop culture’s upper echelons, as the cult classic Planet Unicorn finds new life on Netflix, Charlie the Unicorn appears in a reality show about life after internet fame, and HBO develops a series based on the sordid sex lives of the My Little Pony universe’s “horny” faction.
Also? This very, very strange song called “Unicorns From Hell” will become the world anthem, while we bow down to our unicorn overlords and kiss their hooves. Praise Princess Celestia!
(I’m in a weird mood today. Don’t mind me. I’ll go back to blogging about dicks before you know it.)
– Dewitt
14 seconds in… couldn’t take the voice.
Don’t forget about the evil unicorn in Cabin in the Woods!
SPOILER ALERT! I still, for some horrible reason, have not seen this movie.
Trust me Dewitt, out of all the things that could be spoiled for you in this movie, this is one of the least spoilery. But you should def watch it! One of my top 5 of last year.