Here’s four straight guys giving other straight guys the lowdown on why homophobia is stupid. It’s cute. But I’m more concerned with how I got kinda…turned on…by the two girls making out at the end. I always thought I was strictly dickly. Am I a little bi? The only woman I ever said I would fuck around with was Madonna. Cuz’ she’s Madonna. This was back in 1989. Since then no woman has done it for me. Well, Shane from The L Word. And Tilda Swinton. I guess I’m into androgyny. Or women. Am I straight? I guess just bi. Uh, enjoy the video. I’ll be over here puzzling out my sexual preference.
– J. Harvey
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That was very funny!
haha very well-done!
Love it….very well done and makes a good point
loved it and laughed at the same time as it was pretty true…I liked what the guy in the dark colored dress the second time around said. But all in all was so true.