My admiration for Zachary Quinto grows daily. He’s a good actor, openly gay, and he seems like a down-to-earth guy in every interview I’ve seen with him. Zach consented to accompanying flailingly gay comedian Billy Eichner on one of his panicked man-on-the-street question barrages in New York City. The question being “This is Spock. Do you care?” That’s hilarious, and what’s even more hilarious is that New Yorkers are way jaded and pretty much”no” about it.That’s why Quinto is a good sport, even as Billy insults other movies he’s made. Did I hear him insult Margin Call?
Most celebrities are so used to having their taints tongued 24-7 that it makes this exercise incredibly refreshing. Can the Kardashians do this? And receive truthful answers? And then fall into an open manhole cover whilst texting? Collectively?
– J. Harvey
Zach is amazing.. I’ve loved him ever since I saw him in So Notorious and Heroes lol The fact that hes also Spock, and does it so amazingly well, is awesome 🙂
I would love to see a Kardashian do this just for the fact that they would come in contact with real new yorkers like Zach did here. We’re so jaded that nothing would faze us!!!
Haha! This was hysterical and Mr Quinto is way too cute!
There would be no more game after they ran into me.